
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

My Bali experience - the island of the gods

Wow, what a journey 2012 has been already. Traveling has been the name of the game every month. I praise God for traveling mercies and allowing me to experience parts of Asia that I only dreamed about as a child.

Bali - a small island that is a part of a larger island nation and chain called Indonesia. A lot of our clothing is made in Indonesia. After much research, I traveled there with a friend to find a place that reminds me of home, Barbados. A place where the locals worship their hindu gods beginning at 6 am and ending at 6 pm. They were faithful in their dedication to setting out their daily offerings as well as the mandatory temple visits every 15 days. What if we, children of God, worshiped our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the same way? What if we worshiped Him upon waking, as we should, and before going to bed, as we should? The Balinese exhibited what we should all be doing, albeit to their idols. I saw men, riding scooters, stop in the middle of the day to pray before the stone idol outside the temple. The design in some of their clothing gave reference to what they believed in. No one was offended by their openness and their daily worship. Why do we, as Christians, afraid of being bold for Christ? Why do we scamper away at the first sign of someone taking offense at our worship? Why can we not say Jesus for our own hearing without someone getting upset? One thing I learned is that I will be Bold for Jesus.

Upon our arrival, we took a short nap, about 4 hours, then we set off for the local market. There is not many parking spaces for cars, many for scooters though. Their main mode of transportation is the scooter. I saw them carry two large speakers on a scooter. Four people, two adults and two children under the age of 3, were on one scooter. What a life? The appreciate the little things. How about us?
We walked through the market, as it was closing, and I discovered many fruit and vegetables similar to those found in Barbados. I was at home. One observation that I found is that they do not have a lot of refrigeration or the cooling for meat, as we are accustomed to in the United States. Purchase meat and fish at your own expense of experiencing Bali belly later...

We then checked in and surveyed our surroundings. We had the beach, when the tide was low, in front of us. We were situated on a road that had many turns. If you did not know where you were going, you would be lost. I loved the colors in the hotel room - my favorite - burgundy, gold and white. Just awesome when used together. We saw many beautiful sunsets and felt many cool breezes at our little spot in Candi Dasa.

Resurrection Sunday found us praising God, dancing and singing His praises as we read the word for our devotions. It was a day to bask in the Son and His presence. My word for the day was "Be slow to speak", Ecc 5:2. Wow, just sitting on my balcony, looking at the ocean and the restaurant below, surveying the land, I was continually reminded of God's beauty and creation, even if we all don't worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. He created us all and we are able to work together, putting our differences aside, even on the day we celebrate His rising from the grave so we would be reconciled back to Him!

We then set off for the oldest village in the island where there are still about 200 people living who make pashmina scarves along with other cothing. Their shop is in their home. It was interesting to see how they live. The bedrooms are all on one side, there is a covering over the middle and the kitchen is on the opposite end of the structure. Lots of free flowing throughout the house. There was no bathroom readily or easily seen. From what I can tell, they may still have outhouses. The toilets that I used at White Sandy Beach had a toilet, I believe to appease visitors, however you had to flush by pouring water into the bowl when you were finished your business.

We had another day of rest, enjoyed the pool, read a book and expressed my desire for local fruit and local adventures. I was introduced to mangosteen, such a wonderful flavor and taste, durian, which I did not get an opportunity to taste as well as reintroduced to sugar apple  and passion fruit (Bajan name). They were lovely. I also go to drink fresh coconut water, straight out of the nut from the tree. Not store bought. Freshly picked right there for me. The wonders of my Daddy and how He loves me so. He gave me the desire of my heart. I had one daily. It was refreshing.

My desire led me to ask our driver to take us to a waterfall. We got the waterfall, a beautiful sight, that was about quarter of a mile away. It was gorgeous. We also got to see the smaller of the three largest mountains on the island as it continues to have lava escaping around its side. There was a green oasis in the middle of the lava and I could only think of the miracle of God and how He protects us so when we least expect it.

I then had another day of rest, while continuing to bask in the goodness of God. The weather reports had listed thunderstorms for three days and we had yet to see one drop of rain. The sea came in only so far and no further, again allowing me to be amazed at my Daddy and His creation. High tides were in the morning, some days the waves were choppy, other days, they were smooth. More examples of how we are not really in control of anything, God is in control of it all and He directs and orchestrates our path.

It was time to leave after six glorious days and I began to really praise and thank God for the experience. I felt right at home. The motto of the resort is "Unique, Friendly and Relaxing" and I can say that it was truly that for me and more. I am a little more brown than usual, more like honey ginger caramel rather than just honey colored. My daily massages allowed me to experience relaxation like no other. My books that I read, "The Walk" by Shaun Alexander and "Be still and know" by Sietta Jefferson, reinforced for me that when I was an Unbeliever, God was there. God led me to become a Believer and an Example. He is teaching me how to become a Teacher, while I learn to Impart to those He sends my way. I continue to be an Example as I Teach and Impart as I sit at His feet, learning how to be Still and Wait on the Promises He has for me.

Thank you Lord for an awesome time experiencing who You are to me, for me and in me!

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