
Friday, March 25, 2011

Still Standing

Today is two weeks since the earthquake rattled Japan and created a tsunami that wrecked havoc on the North East coast of Honshu, the main island of Japan. We are still shaking and that is to be expected, considering that we are on the ring of fire..."Shake yourself loose" were the words given to me last weekend, so I googled it and found that it belongs to a gospel song by Vickie Winans.

The words go something like this (

[VERSE 1: Trio]
Said you been bound up - Lookin? for a way to break free
Devil's had you tied up - Listen to these words from me
Your situation may seem hopeless but it's not the end
Though you are burdened and have shackles on your feet


(Now)... I... want you to know - You're about to break loose (unison)
Jesus took the keys... and gave 'em to you

(So...Here's what you gotta do)

Shake loose... everything that binds you up - Who told you that you can't make it
When God says that you can shake it - Shake loose... everything that binds you up
Praise Him like its your last chance - Get up and do the David dance

[VERSE 2: Solo]
I heard you were feeling down - That Satan had you bound
No you don't have to stay - Yes, you can leave today
Just lika' in the bible days - When men began to pray
Those jail cells start to shaken - Those chains a start to breakin?

Don't let the enemy keep you in bondage
Praise your way through - Come on and shake loose
Every worry, every care
Praise your way through - Come on and shake loose

....Those chains that bind you.... should.... only remind
Praise your way through - Come on and shake loose
Problems... know that.... He will.... solve them
Praise your way through - Come on and shake loose

Shake.... yourself..... loose
(Lift..... your hands) Lift your hands
(Come on and lets dance) Come on ...lets dance

Shake.... yourself.... loose
(Scream and shout) Scream and shout
(He brought you out) He brought you out

Shake... yourself... loose
(Loose your seat) Loose your seat
(Now move your feet) Move your feet

Shake... yourself... loose
(Owww.......Shout) Shout for joy - make some noise
Because I'm free...Free

(Good God Almighty ahh) Free
(He told me in his word that..) Free
(That I could be free...yeah) Free
(The Devil tried to stop me) Free
(He tried to block me) Free
(But I got away) Free
(I got the key) -- Free at last (key change)

Free....(Thank God Almighty....yeah)
Free....(Whom the Son sets free)
Free....(Is free indeed)
Free....(He loosed the shackles)
Free... (That was binding me)
Free ...(So get on your feet)
Free....(And sing it with me)

Free yeaahhh......!!! (key change)

Those of you out there feelin' bound, let me tell you can break free...break free (Free....)
Those of you out there feelin' bound, let me tell you can break free...break free (Free...)
Those of you out there feelin' bound, let me tell you can break free...break free (Free...)
Those of you out there feelin' bound, let me tell you can break free....

Free at last. (Key change)
Shake.... yourself..... loose
So, as I thought about those words initially, I wondered how many times the Lord has to shake us free from the things that so easily entangle us - sin! Whether that sin is seen by others or only known by us and God, we get tangled up. The sin can be disobedience, stubbornness, or fear. When the Lord shakes us free, we have to decide to walk away and into His loving arms and not pick up the same habit again...Then I began thinking about the Japanese as a nation...they believe in many different religions and types of Budhas. How many of us are witnessing to them? What does it cost us but time? We get so caught up in self that we forget our purpose, the plan, the mission! The God given purpose, God given plan and God given mission as to why we are here. We could witness as we talk to a clerk in a store, we are already there. A smile, a thank you, start by building relationships, show them that you care, that you are interested in them, who they are. I is easier said than done. We have to ask God for the boldness to go forth and do what He has called us to do. He will equip us. He said it in His word that He equips those He calls.

Then I got to reading Nehemiah...He wanted to know what was going on in his hometown so he asked his brother. He was hurt and wanted to do something when he found out about the destruction. He got the boldness he needed and when he asked his boss, he not only received permission, he got provision. God supplied what he needed to get the job done. Nehemiah had no fear talking to God. He prayed like God was standing right there next to him. God protected him. When his task was done, he praised God and thanked God every way imaginable - choirs, instruments, read the word in the hearing of the people. How many of us praise God in Spirit and Truth, no matter who is looking? God blessed them even more and turned the curse into a blessing. Many want the blessings however do not give God what is due Him - honor, obedience, praise, thanksgiving, faith. When God shakes things up, it is to remove that which is not like him, like He did in Nehemiah's time. After Nehemiah was done, the pagan worship was gone, the Levites got what was rightfully theirs, they were cleansed and the wall was rebuilt. They were Still Standing better than they were before. Are you still standing? What are you believing for? The song tells us to stand on our feet, shout for joy, dance, scream and shout because the Lord brought you out. I am Still Standing!

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