
Thursday, November 29, 2012

A poem -- Alone, dejected, rejected

Alone, dejected, rejected

You say you love me, yet you are not in a position to marry me
You say you love me, yet you left me with nothing
You say you love me and never hugged me
You say you love me and never check on me
You say you love me and give me no time
You say you love me, yet all you did was take
You say you love me, yet I am alone
You say you love me, yet I had to find my own way
You say you love me, yet I could never live up to your standards
You say you love me and my dreams were too big
You say you love me, I am alone.

You say you love me, yet I find myself wondering
Wondering what I didn't do
Wondering what I did wrong
Wondering what I could change
Wondering how I could ease the pain
Wondering why I always put you first
Wondering why I am still alone.

Alone to deal with this hurt
Alone to deal with this pain
Alone to make heads or tails
Alone to comfort myself
Alone to entertain me
Alone with my thoughts
Alone, dejected and rejected.

Rejected because I was different
Rejected because no one understands
Rejected because I was fair
Rejected and alone.

Dejected because all I want is love.
What kind of love, you ask?
Unconditional love.
A love that only God can give.
A love not found in humankind, yet possible in humankind because we are made in His image.
A love that has no conditions
A love that accepts all of me.

I love you enough to correct you
I love you enough to send you around the world
I love you enough to make your wish my command
I love you enough to encourage your dreams
I love you enough to support you with all of me
I love you enough to put my dreams on hold
I love you enough to give you the best
I love you enough to sacrifice myself
I love you enough to die for you
It seems as if it is not enough, nor am I good enough!

Where is the joy that you should bring
Where is the joy to make everything alright
Where is the joy to kiss away the tears
Where is the joy to fight the battles
Where is the joy with the answer
Where is the joy to ease the pain
Where is the joy and fulfillment that unconditional love should bring?

Love is patient
Love is kind
Love holds no grudges
Love forgives quickly
Love adds no sorrow
Love causes no pain
Love gives, expecting nothing in return!

(C) 29 Nov 2012 PrincessJoyful