
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Be still...standing still

What do I mean, be still...standing still... The word of God tells us in Ps 46:10, "Be still, and know that I am God!  I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.” - NLT.

I have had this scripture hidden in my heart since I lived in HI, 2001, yet it was only in the last few weeks that I saw part b...

When the Lord told me to be still, I knew for me, it meant be quiet, do nothing, say nothing, think nothing, just BE STILL...when I am standing still, I feel as if He is working everything out that I desire, His presence is so covering me that there is nothing that I have to do, say, think, JUST STAND on His Promises and know that "I can do ALL things through Him who Strengthens me". Being still and standing still for me then is truly a trust and faith walk with the Lord, my Daddy, my Father, My Provider, My Waymaker, My Healer, My Strength, believing that He is working everything out For My Good.

I have to trust and know that when I am still, being obedient, He is in the background doing everything that He wants to do for me, things that I have asked Him for and those that He just wants to bless me with. I am so excited that all I have to do is open my heart to Him, keep my eyes focused on Him and sit back, relax, continue to read His word, continue to pray, continue to seek His Face and allow Him to truly be God in my Life. Allowing Him to do all the work...

As I have been pondering this statement, "being still...standing still", it has been interesting because in the books of Nehemiah and Esther, it was the same King who allowed his butler to go to rebuild the city of his people and blessed the man who sat at the gate in rags. He did not hesitate to support his butler and give him what he needed. The king could have said no when he heard the troubles of his butler, instead he sent him with stuff to rebuild his family land and to protect him as he was there. Later on, he became a governor in the land, qualified or not, that is the blessing he received for his obedience. God rebuilds us and protects us when we are in a place of standing still and being still before Him. When we praise Him in all things, stand on His word, meditate on His word, listen to His voice, fast and pray, He changes us from the inside out. We will change us, rebuild us, protecting us, removing those things that are not like Him, pouring more of Himself into us and drawing us closer to Him. God will bless us more than we think, imagine and put us above others who do not think we should even be where we are but it does not matter, God qualifies us! The king cared about his people enough, more than his own needs, to send his butler out to help others. Is Jesus not like that for us? God cares so much about us that he sent Jesus, to redeem us back to Him, Jesus cared more about us than His own needs that He said, "not my will, but Yours Lord", when the soldiers came to carry him to the cross. Jesus was helping us not Himself...

Back to Ps 46:10b, God says "He will be honored in the nations and throughout the world" and it hit me like a ton of bricks that if we are truly still before God, He will give honor to those around you, those in your sphere of influence, you will be given more responsibility, more credibility, more access, greater freedom, all for His glory. Those who think they know you will see a different person. They may be even shocked to see the God in You rise to such favor and prominence. This happened to Mordecai in Esther.

You see, Mordecai was not liked by Haman because Mordecai stood by the Word of God and did not give his Allegience (loyalty) to no one but God. God did not allow the king to get any rest one night, that same king who sent his butler to help his own people, the Jews (a chosen and protected people), so the king wanted to know what has been happening through his reign and low and behold, Mordecai had done something wonderful to protect the King and now the king wanted to reward him. Not only did the king reward him, he became the number two person in the land, a governor, after sitting outside the palace day in and day out, dressed in rags. His enemy, Naman, died the same way he was planning to kill Mordecai. People have to be careful what plot or ploy or trap they set for you because they could get tripped up on it themselves, especially if they have yet to figure out that you are "called and chosen" by God for such a time as this...

Who qualified them? God did. Who blessed them? God did? What did they do? Fast, pray, obey, stayed humble and had a desire to help people. Both men became more powerful than what people thought because of their obedience. Will God not do the same to you if you do what they did and even more? Will you trust Him? Will you ask Him to search your heart, remove those things not like Him and allow those giants in your life that is stopping you from being still and standing still to be changed into a closer walk with God, closer than you have been before in order to do the will of God from the position He will place you in that will be higher than you could ever think or imagine. Mordecai was honored throughout all the provinces at that time.

Back to Ps 46:10 part b...God will be honored throughout the world by using you, if you will only do what He asks of you, "Be Still, Stand Still" which means to fast, pray, watch, read, hear, obey, trust and have faith, being quiet, being watchful, yet not saying anything, believing that what the Lord promised, He will deliver to you His chosen, His called for the world to see because He will get the Honor through you by Promoting you, Placing you higher than you could take yourself...Are you STANDING STILL...BEING STILL?

I am! Join me, please...let us do Jesus together...

Hallelujah, Thank you Lord, I praise you with everything in me! Selah...Amen

Saturday, April 9, 2011

God is a God of Order, so WHY do we Disobey

You must Order your life out of the Word of God, God is a God of order...Bishop C. Hodges.

Are you Standing on the Word of God?

Are you Living according to the Word of God?

Getting Saved is not enough, you must begin to do the Will of God! That means getting into the word of God for yourself and being Obedient to it, having Faith, Belief, Hope, Love and Trust in God.

What is Order? To me, order is putting things in place, one step at a time, in sequence.

We have to prioritize our life putting God first, Family second, Work third and anything else after. So how should your life be ordered?

God - praise daily, worship daily, prayer daily, church attendance more than once a week, read and study the Word of God daily, support the ministry that He has placed you in, support those lost and/or in need. God is the only one who should receive our Allegiance.

Family - love them unconditionally, be there as a support system, not a bank...for a woman, be a Prov 31 woman, for a man, be the Man of God according to the Word of God Eph 5, train the children up in the way that they should go, Prov 22:6

Work - do your best to represent God well. If we are representing God well, we will be pleased with the way we are representing ourselves. If we are giving God the best that we have, then our coworkers, friends, bosses will see the God in us as we do our job with Excellence, Finese and with Vigor. As God sees our sacrifice in secret, He will reward us openly in public.

Anything else - friends, be there for them, Do Not be their God. Help them by being the hands, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, feet that God needs you to be for them. Sometimes we want to be blessed but don't want to step out first. Faith without works is Dead. God needs us to do His Will here on Earth for others. If you don't do it, He will get someone else to do it because His Will, Will be done no matter what. I know I don't want the rocks to cry out for me or the donkey to speak on my behalf.

Many times, we say we don't have time for this or time for that. We grow up Blaming our parents for things that didn't go the way we thought they should go. Then we blame school friends for not liking us enough. Sometimes we don't look at ourselves internally to see what it is that we need to Change. Change is constant and a part of life. We fail to understand that God has ordained our lives because He first Loved Us. He Chose us. He knows the Plans He has for us. We just have to Accept it and Follow the Destiny He created for us because of the love He has for us. After all, He is the Creator and Knows All. There is nothing a surprise for our God. We just have to ask. Ask God to fix us from the inside out. He alone knows our motives and our heart. Do you need heart surgery? Allow Him to perform it as only He can, removing those things that are not of Him and allowing in the Fruit Of The Spirit.

Are you Willing to ask for Clarity to know what your Destiny holds?

Are you Willing to Ask for Forgiveness for Disobedience? God will allow you to do what you want because we all have free will to do so. At some point in time, we will end up Submitting to what He has for us. Will you be ready or will you be again disobedient to what the Lord wants to do in your life, for your life so that He gets the glory out of it all.

No one said life would be easy, so why do we think that everything is supposed to happen every way we think it should? We have to take the good with the bad, the sad with the happy, the rich with the poor, yet Trusting in God.

My greatest Desire is to be the best that I can be for God, even if it hurts. When I think about Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane, knowing what His plan was before He came to Earth, sitting by and watching the things take place that had to take place, asking the Father to remove the Cup from Him if it was the Father's Will, yet Submitting because of His love for Us, I have no choice even if it Hurts me. It is the Love of God that Sustains me. It is the Love of God that keeps Me. It is the Love of God that carries me through.

It is God's Correction that Allows me to Repent, Obey and Move onto My Destiny in Him.

We have to lift our hands and surrender to God so that we are not worn out. Allow God to strengthen us to do His will. Stop fighting Him. Allow the Holy Spirit to restore your soul, change your Heart, and Rest in God, Selah...

Take Rest in Me - Deitrick Haddon